Well, this has certainly been an exciting weekend! Toni and I, the Alternative Authors, attended "A Viking Thing" that was hosted by AlterEgos Events at La Vue Guest Lodge in Muldersdrift.
It was a misty morning when the Alternative Authors docked their long boats at La Vue Guest Lodge. Situated between breakfast and dessert, we prepared ourselves for a feast to rival all feasts, a festival that would be spoken about for ages to come. We, the wise women who scribe tomes, would be a part of a great quest throughout the day, joining our new friends - the food vendors.
All in all the Fayre was an absolute success and I would like to thank each and every one of our fans that came through to support us. We were so happy to see you, to sign books for you, and to take photos with you. It was an absolute blast and Toni and I had an amazing time! To all of you who are new to my circle, welcome! It was awesome meeting you in person and I know you are going to enjoy the spooky stories that I have to share, and I hope you will let me know what you think.
Alternative Authors was founded by us, Toni Cox and Sian B. Claven, because we wanted to show the world what authors are really capable of. Toni Cox writes epic fantasy and dystopian fantasy and I, Sian B. Claven, write light horror and paranormal thrillers. Together, we are on a mission to bring back a love of reading, the thrill of excitement when absorbed into a story, and to share the adventures we have in our heads.
Here are some photos of the Alternative Authors' stall at "A Viking Thing" that happened on the 3rd of March 2018.
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You can go to the website: www.goodreads.com and sign up using your Facebook account. Once you are signed up you just search through the books you want to read and mark them as want to read. Find the books you have read and mark them as read (leave a review if you want to), and you can also track the book you are currently reading.
If you have read one of our books you can search for it by Title + Sian B. Claven (EG: Kallista Sian B Claven or The Elemental Rising Toni Cox) then please feel free to go rate it (honestly) and leave an honest review. If you didn't like it, please say so as we take those reviews and learn from them.
What we read this week?
I am starting a new book this week, so haven't got a review, but Toni Cox read A Lump of Coal by Ashleigh Giannoccaro. Here's what she thought about it:

Deliciously Dark The cover and the title are intriguing and the story as deliciously dark as all of Ashleigh Giannoccaro's work. Need to know how the story continues. Waiting (Im)patiently for the follow up.
What's being released this week?
A new anthology was released this weekend and I already have my copy (review to follow) and I am super excited about it because it's two of my favourite things - hectic dark romance authors and historical figures.
The Infamous Hearts Anthology is #LIVE!! One click your copy of this twisted historical anthology today!
••••••Buy Now••••••
Amazon Universal Link: myBook.to/infamoushearts
Thirteen authors come together to provide a glimpse at notorious couples through history. When finding love in the arms of Hades must be escaped before dawn. Where the secret of the outlaw's bride is found only in a place between heaven and hell. Where the wrath of Rosaline swings ominously like a pendulum and rapture can be found in the most iniquitous of times. When the secret of hieroglyphic hearts are drawn by daddy's toy to overcome the feeling of being a darling little pet. When the blonde bombshell thrives high above the world in a tower made up of wanton lust and lies. When becoming a Kray is the only way to survive the mean streets of London. Time becomes frozen in each moment and secrets are told in whispers only to the most coveted.
Infamous Hearts: A Match Made in History.
••••••All proceeds to benefit The Joyful Heart Foundation: http://www.joyfulheartfoundation.org/••••••
Author pages:
Ashleigh Giannoccaro: https://www.facebook.com/Colourmyugly/?ref=br_rs
C.A. Bell: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorC.A.BELL/
Dani René: https://www.facebook.com/DaniReneAuthor/
Destiny Hawkins: https://www.facebook.com/authordhawkins/
Elizabeth Cash: https://www.facebook.com/ElizabethCashAuthor/
Ellie Midwood: https://www.facebook.com/EllieMidwood/
Emery LeeAnn: https://www.facebook.com/EmeryLeeAnn/
Julia Clare: https://www.facebook.com/authorjuliaclare/
Natalie Bennett: https://www.facebook.com/NatalieBennettWriter/
Rose Devereux: https://www.facebook.com/rosedevereuxbooks/
Virginia Johnson: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorVirginiaJohnson/
Yolanda Olson: https://www.facebook.com/yolandasendlesswords/
••••••What Early Readers Are Saying••••••
“Wow, this collection completely blew my mind away! Not only it combined my two favorite genres - historical romance and dark fiction - but each pair in each story was written absolutely incredibly!”
“A different take on famous or infamous characters that spin a different tale on romance. Each author propels the need to keep reading, a different way of thinking in every mini-story, a different level of consuming darkness.”
The Next Big Thing
The next BIG event that Alternative Authors are attending is the Discworld Fayre at La Vue Guest Lodge in Muldersdrift. We will have new books and new merchandise for sale! Please look out for more information!
Please note: I will be unable to attend this event but there will be signed paperback copies of my books available at the stall!
The Next Big Book
I am hard at work with writing The Culling which is going to be a demon-based story to be released latest 15th April.
Toni Cox is furiously completing the third book in the Elemental Trilogy - Forbidden Elemental, with an expected release date towards the end of April.
That's all from us!
If you want to order books from us you can do so by e-mailing us.
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