This week has been a hard week because I was pushing to get Kallista's first draft done! It's so exciting to finish a book but at the same time it's nerve wrecking. I always get end of story blues and this one was no different. Those last three chapters had to be wrenched out of me because I have lived Kallista for so long now I'm not sure what to live now.
The Culling.
Before I get onto The Culling I need to wrap up Kallista. Are you waiting for your copy? I'm looking to release February the 15th. Currently the draft is with my Beta Readers. Once they are done I am going to edit it personally. Then it goes to my professional editor and then my proof reader and then the fun begins.
You can expect the AMAZING Cover reveal party on the 4th February - you know what that means! Wait! You don't?
It means that I will be hosting an hour long event on Sian's Little Nightmares where I will be having games and fun posts and I will be giving away copies of Ensnared and Gift Cards! So don't miss out! Watch my group and page for the details and make sure you are there (online) to participate!
Something else you can expect is the amazingness that is going to be my release day party! We will be doing takeovers, we will be doing prizes, we will be doing giveaways! It's going to be so damn exciting I CANNOT WAIT!!!!
Currently what I AM looking for out of my fans are some ARC readers. In the beginning of February you will receive an ARC - Advanced Readers Copy - of Kallista to please read and review by the release day! If you think you can do this and are interested please keep an eye on my page and group for the details and sign up!
In case you missed it, here are these weeks trailers! (Blog Continues after)

So The Culling is my next project that I am hoping to release in March! It centers around a world ruled by the demons of hell and pockets of human civilization. The demons do not attack the civilization because every year one of the cities gives its middle born children to Nirvana - or heaven - and that keeps the demons at bay. Not is all as it seems though!
I cannot wait to get started on this baby! I start working on it on Monday!
Don't forget that on Monday I am doing Movie Monday at 1: 00 PM EST which in South Africa is 8:00 PM. I cannot wait to see you all there. This weeks topic of discussion is going back to basics. Tune in!
There will be new teasers for Kallista posted on Tuesday and Thursday on my page so don't forget to keep track or you'll miss them.
I think that's all the news I have for this week so have a FANTASTIC week guys and I will catch up with you on Monday!
Remember, watch your back!
Sian B. Claven