Hey Nightmares
At the moment in my country it is a long weekend. That means we are busy with our April bank holidays. We normally have a long weekend at the beginning of the month (Thank you Easter) and then at the end of the month (Celebrating the Freedom of our country from the constructs of Apartheid.) This time around the bank holidays were Friday and Tuesday and my gracious and lovely boss gave us the Monday off for good measure so I had five days off of happiness.
The Weekend

Well, not complete happiness. Friday was end of month shopping (no one enjoys this, especially not Toni and I when we are not feeling well). Yesterday was a happy day for both Toni and I. Toni was running our stall at the Discworld Fayre in Muldersdrift (if you want to know more go check out her blog post on www.tonicoxauthor.com it will be under her blog) and while she did this I was celebrating the union of a good friend of mine to her husband, and I was in a dress! It was such a wonderful wedding and I was so happy to be the maid of honour and be included in the festivities.
So technically our weekend is starting now. Three days of just book related stuff and it feels great because normally we have to run around in between our stuff. Today we're going to spend the day working on our marketing and tomorrow and Tuesday we will spend writing to our hearts content. (Okay okay, Toni still has work but I'm going with her for moral support and writing while I'm there - Sorry Toni!)
Tuesday and the fun begins

Tuesday will be a big day for me though as I officially begin the marketing campaign for The Culling! Yes it's loaded and ready for Pre-Order. I'm so excited that I decided to market this myself. I think it's going to be so much fun and so excited! I hope you're ready because I feel like this is the darkest work I have written yet, so much so that my next two books are going to have to be just a tad lighter or I might permanently traumatize myself. If you haven't already, join my group Sian's Little Nightmares and watch out because I'll be handing out free ARC's of The Culling during the first 15 days of May!!!!
If you would like to pre-order your copy now you can do so by clicking on the image below:
In other news, Watcher and The Watcher are the next two books I am releasing. In these books we follow the accounts of A Watcher. I won't say more because, well, you'll need to read the book but each book contains six short stories that A Watcher tells you. I'm not having a cover reveal so I thought I would share it here with you.

Exciting New Book Coming Out
Today I want to mention that one of my favourite Indie Authors has released a new book! I'd like to give a HUGE congratulations to Jo-Anne Joseph for her new book - I CANNOT wait to read it.

Check out the information below:
UK: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CQL9YML US: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07CQL9YML CA: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07CQL9YML AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07CQL9YML
Blurb: How far would you go to protect your loved ones? What would be the ultimate sacrifice? Lie? Fight? Steal? Would you kill? For Alyssa Morgan there was no question. She would do anything. When her ideologies are threatened she has a choice to make. But can she destroy the one person she trusted most in the world? Luke Greene realized from the moment she walked into his office he was in too deep. He believed in her innocence, even though she refused to admit it. Was his obsession with Alyssa just a diversion from his own crumbling life? He has a choice to make - his profession or uncovering the truth.
As part of the festivities I will be having a blast doing a take over for the release of Marticide so make sure you belong to the Author Friends with Benefits groups so you don't miss out on some AMAZING prizes.
Events Coming Up
For those of you who haven't heard - we had an announcement about someone seriously SEXY who is going to be at ComicCon with us this year! Yup! I'm going to be brushing shoulders with the insanely sexy and hilarious Jason Momoa. So if you haven't got your tickets yet, you had better get them quickly because they are SELLING OUT REALLY FAST.

That's it from my side guys! I hope you all have a FANTASTIC week ahead (I know I will, only three days of day Job this week!)
Don't forget to lock your doors!
Sian B. Claven