It's the first weekend of February and we are off to a blast. I'm not even sure where to start with what anymore!!!!
Well, I guess the first thing to do is the quick recap of the week!
This week on Movie Monday I started what is now going to be a monthly competition. Every last Movie Monday of the month I will be gifting another authors book to one of my Movie Monday attendees. The month of February is dedicated to the first romance author who ever wrote romance I liked - Ashleigh Giannoccaro so don't miss out on Movie Mondays - regular attendance always scores you high points - and you could win a copy of ONE of Ashleigh's books.
Congratulations to Tabitha Hartman who won a copy of On Fire by Toni Cox! It was an absolute pleasure gifting this book, the first book in her Short Stories series, and I am sure Tabitha is going to enjoy it GREATLY!

Yesterday, the 3rd February was the Coca Cola Youth Today Radio Sweethearts Market! There were a few authors there that joined me including Toni Cox, Jann Weeratunga, Victorine Shu and Stacey Fru!
There was a lot of fun things happening and if you didn't manage to attend then I highly recommend you join us for the next one. Be sure to watch my facebook page for more details!
Kallista was sent back to me on Saturday from my editor and I am super happy to announce that it is now with my proof reader! With any luck I will have the pre-order links available either tomorrow night during Movie Monday or posted on Tuesday!
Today however we had the cover reveal which went FANTASTIC! If you missed it, what a pity, as there was a lot of fun to be had and prizes to be won!
Don't despair though! I am having a blog tour and there will be a HUGE 12hr online release party on the 16th February!
Don't forget that Kallista released the 15th. Just in case you missed it - here is the cover and wrap:

I will be doing a takeover next Saturday and next Sunday! These takeovers will be happening on the Author Friends with Benefits group on Facebook so make sure you join the group and don't miss out as I will be handing out Pre-Release eBook copies of Kallista!!!
Talking about Kallista - Let's see some new teasers!!!!

That's it for now!
Have a fabulous week Nightmares!
Sian B. Claven