Welcome to the 15h of October and how we have been waiting for this day!
Today, the best book I have ever written goes live and I hope you're all super stoked to read it. What? You didn't get your copy yet? No problem!!!
Home is where the heart is ... or the hatred.
You can feel the love and care someone puts into their home just by walking into it. Equally, you can feel the hatred and malice when you step into a home where dark deeds have been done.
Alex and his team of so-called paranormal investigators are given the opportunity of a lifetime when they are able to film inside one of the most haunted, and cursed, locations in their area.
The Jackson Mansion.
The thing that makes this mansion truly unique is that it is built completely underground. Determined to uncover the dark secrets of the mansion's past, and prove himself a notable investigator, Alex doesn't care what it takes. The mansion, however, has other ideas, as well as some rather restless occupants.
Get it here:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2KCb1Fc
Itunes / Kobo / Nook: https://books2read.com/u/mdGGPO
I have been fretting about this book for months, trying to ensure that it is absolutely perfect for my readers and I am proud of what I am giving you today!
I cannot even begin to thank the people who have made this absolutely amazing dream of mine come true but mostly I just want to thank my sister Jackie who has just been an absolute superstar through this entire process and has given me more support than I could ever ask for! Thank you so much Jax!

For those who would like an additional little something to read - Toni, my amazing #Authorbestie - is offering an eCopy of Resilient to anyone who posts a review of Buried on Goodreads and emails me a screenshot to sianbclaven@gmail.com
Winner to be announced in the November Newsletter so you have time!
Resilient Blurb:
What would you do if you were the last person on Earth?
Resilient – it’s what I need to be to survive this.
I don’t know what happened, but the Africa I wake up to is not the friendly one I’m used to. Deathly silence and hollow-eyed corpses are all that greet me when I finally come to.
What happened? How will I survive?
I find out the hard way that I am not ready for the answers … or what comes next.
Thanks again to all my amazing readers who make this so worthwhile! I am so proud to give you Buried and cannot wait to give you more tantalizing and freakish classic horror stories.
Forever yours
Sian B. Claven
P.S Don't forget to lock your doors!