Every years since I have joined Goodreads I have participated in voting for The Goodreads Reader Choice Awards. This is an amazing opportunity to vote for all the amazing books that have been released in the last year, by Indie Authors especially.
Currently we are in the nomination period and votes are critical here to make those final rounds. I love nominating my favourite authors, not only because they stand a chance of being noticed for their amazing work but also because it allows me to share my favourite reads with more people than just those on my friends list.
Imagine my surprise then when I discovered, or rather was informed by Ashleigh, that my books had been nominated for the Reads Choice Awards.

The emotions that ran through me were insane! Happiness! Nervousness! Excitement! Everything you could experience in about ten seconds flat.
That being said I am now reaching out to you, my readers, fans and friends, to please vote for me in The Goodreads Reader Choice Awards so that I can make those final lists.
Included below is the post on how to vote.
Please vote.
And share to people and ask them to vote.
Every single vote counts and it would be awesome to make it to the finals.
But whether or not I make it I want to show my appreciation so once the final lists are out I will be having a FREEBIE DAY with Tatum and Kallista free of charge for 24hrs on Kindle.
Born and Bred Johannesburg Horror Author Sian B. Claven Has Been Nominated for the GOODREADS READERS CHOICE AWARDS! This is a huge honour and she is most excited that not one, but three of her books have been nominated: -> Tatum viewBook.at/Tatum -> Kallista viewBook.at/Kallista -> The Culling viewBook.at/TheCullingBook ***Current Standings*** The Culling -> 335 (Page 4) Kallista -> 339 (Page 4) Tatum -> 796 (Page 9) Please show your support and help get this Johannesburg author to the top of the list and in the finals by following the below instructions: Please note: This is easier if done on a computer but can be done on a phone. • Go to www.goodreads.com • Sign in with your Facebook details if you don't have an account already • Go to https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/116013.Goodreads_Choice_Awards_2018?page=1 There are a lot of books nominated so the quickest way we know to find Sian's books is by doing the following. Starting on page one on your computer: • Hold CTRL and Press F • Type in Sian B. Claven • Click Vote if one of her Books appear on the left-hand side. • Continue to page two etc. If you only want to vote for one book that is perfect. If you want to vote for all three books that is also perfect. See another book on there that you like - vote for it too! Other African authors nominated include Ashleigh G., Ashleigh Giannocarro and Toni Cox. Thank you for taking the time to vote for Sian B. Claven. Follow her group: www.facebook.com/groups/sianslittlenightmares for more updates! At the end of the Choice awards, there will be a huge Free eBook giveaway regardless of the results, so stay tuned to the group.