Hi Nightmares,
So I've decided to go crazy. I have set aside my short stories (The Watcher Series) for now because I just cannot shake Asylum. I needed to delve into and I'm already 8000 words into after one weekend. It's insane. It's dark. It's twisted.
I watched a live stream of an Autopsy for it.
Be prepared!
I haven't set a release day yet but I am going to be writing a lot to get it out asap because I just NEED to share this story with you.
What's Happening?
Lot's of cool stuff is happening in and around my life but one of the coolest things that is GOING to happen is happening next Monday. If you have not got an eCopy of Tatum yet then Monday is going to be your lucky day. Set a reminder because for one whole day the first book in The Butcher Book Series is going to be free. Make sure that you look out for it and download your copy for free! I can guarantee you are going to enjoy it!

Someone has a new book out, and it looks GOOD!
That's right! Another AMAZING author has just released an AMAZING book! I personally love Ashley Jade and think she has a really unique writing style! Here's a little but about her book and where you can get it:
Complicated Parts - Book 1 by Ashley Jade

They say everyone has either an addiction, obsession, or weakness in this world. Something that can penetrate you down to the core and influence you in a way nothing else can. I have all three. One happens to be her. Kit Bishop is in my veins. But unfortunately for me, she's the drug I'll never be able to indulge in and the high I can't chase. Because I'm a liar. A thief. And I've destroyed everything that's ever been mine.
Buy it here-> https://amzn.to/2LjBSFF
Fantasy Fayre

I am always super proud to be accepted into events hosted by Alter Ego Events. On June second I am going to be dressing up as a ring master and attending Fantasy Fayre. I won't be alone though as Toni Cox will be joining me as a little beastie and I'll be bringing along the ever so adorable Draco as our Dragon! We'll even have treats you can feed him so you can say you feed a dragon
These fayres are a great way to come and interact with us and hear what we're all about. most authors shy away from events like this but Toni and I have grown to absolutely love interacting with folks, especially if it involves us dressing up.

Of course, you can get a copy of THE CULLING directly from me there and I will not only autograph it but might throw in a Mystery Prize as well as some Swag! You'll have to come visit me to see what's on offer!
That's a wrap
I think that's all the news I have to share for this week! I really hope I didn't forget anything but if I have you just pop on over to Facebook where all the happenings are always happening and you'll be up to date with the latest of everything regarding me, my life and my work!
Have a fantastic Week Nightmares.
You are not prepared for the darkness of this world.
Sian B. Claven
#Crazy #Asylum #AsylumHorrorStory #Autopsy #Writing #Words #Author #Writer #writing #WritersBlog #Blog #Free #FreeeBook #FreeforOneDay #TatumFree #tatum #Butcherbookseries #Book1 #Book1Free #NewRelease #AshleyJade #ComplicatedParts #Romance #Erotica #Preston #FantasyFayre #AlterEgos #Event #Fayre #Dressup #Dragon #Draco #ToniCox #Events #TheCulling #NewBook #Autographs